
History of the clinic Administration Open Hours Emergency dentistry Depatments

Head doctor

Valeriy Ch. Neden
Head doctor

phone +375 17 379-52-59

office 305

 Svetlana V. Shulgan

Svetlana V. Shulgan
Deputy head doctor in medical unit

phone +375 17 379-69-70

office 303

Andrey M. Matveev

Andrey M. Matveev
Deputy head doctor for quality control and medical expertise

phone +375 17 379-52-59

office 304

 Blizniuk Vladimir Vladimirovich  

Vladimir V. Blizniuk

Deputy chief doctor for organizational and methodical work

phone + 375 (17) 379-25-41
office 910a

Ivan Yu. Samohovets

Nikolai A. Ermakou
Deputy chief doctor for administrative and economic work
phone +375 17 379-631-25
office 23

Ivan Yu. Samohovets

Ivan Yu. Samohovets
Head of the department of modern technologies of complex dental prosthetics №1
phone +375 17 379-51-17
office 310

Ivan Yu. Samohovets

Aleksandr A. Ryazanov
Head of the department of modern technologies of complex dental prosthetics №2
phone +375 17 379-51-17
office 310

Natalia M. Goldyuk

Natalia M. Goldyuk

Head of the dental department providing dental treatment on a paid basis

phone +375 17 379-44-12

office 606

 Anna V. Sakharchuk

Anna V. Sakharchuk
Head of the dental department #1

office 704

phone +375 17 379-58-29

 Irina L. Isachenko

Irina L. Isachenko
Head of the dental department #2

office 704

phone +375 17 379-58-29

Tamara M. Plisko

Tamara M. Plisko

The main nurse of the clinic

phone + 375 17 379-59-72

office 504


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