
History of the clinic Administration Open Hours Emergency dentistry Depatments


History Republican dental clinic begins December 15, 1963. - from the moment of commissioning of the administrative building on the street Sukhaya, 28.

In 1964. Open prosthetic and surgical and surgical departments.

In 1967 The polyclinic became the base for the dental faculty of the Minsk State Medical Institute. The departments of therapeutic and surgical dentistry and three departments were organized: medical-surgical, orthopedic, and children's.

On the basis of the polyclinic there are 9 dental departments of the Belarusian State Medical University, the WHO Collaborating Center for Dentistry, the Republican Organizational and Methodical Department, the orthodontic center.

The Republican dental clinic is the leading medical and educational institution of the stomatological profile in the republic, and dentistry is a very dynamically developing branch.

Doctors of the polyclinic provide highly qualified dental care, consult patients. The clinic makes a great contribution to the implementation of the National Program for the Prevention of Dental Diseases.

The Republican dental clinic is a team of highly qualified specialists united by one goal: to help people to preserve and increase their true wealth - health.

Over the years, the polyclinic has gained the prestige of a serious scientific and practical medical institution. Doctors of the polyclinic and employees of all dental departments of the Belarusian State Medical University provide professional assistance, counsel patients with complex pathology, and facilitate the synthesis and dissemination of best practices. The Republican dental clinic takes an active part in the preparation of congresses, conferences, practical seminars for doctors of the republic, including with the participation of foreign specialists. Employees of the dental departments of the Belarusian State Medical University and the WHO Collaborating Center for Dentistry participate in international congresses and conferences, exchange experience with foreign colleagues. The Republican dental clinic makes a great contribution to the implementation of the National Program for the Prevention of Dental Diseases.

In December 2013, the Republican Dental Clinic celebrated its 50th anniversary!

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