Professional teeth whitening

With the development of civilization, many new cosmetic procedures have come into our life, caused by the emergence of new opportunities in preserving and obtaining beauty. Increasingly, people will use depilation, piercing, bleaching and hair coloring, peeling and SPA procedures. Teeth whitening is also an innovation introduced by time, not evolution. Typically, human tooth enamel has many shades - from yellow to gray. And in the presence of bad habits and with the passage of age, it darkens.
It's no secret that today a beautiful snow-white smile is not only a desire and a tribute to fashion, but also the hallmark of a successful career or work.
Modern dentistry offers a wide selection of methods and means for whitening, the most effective of which is professional teeth whitening.
Our specialists apply a professional method of teeth whitening using the Beyond apparatus.
This is the most effective and safe method of teeth whitening, which in comparison with the ZOOM system has several advantages:
1. Fast - Beyond bleaching procedure is faster than when using the ZOOM apparatus and takes about 60 minutes.
2. Safe - Beyond whitening gel is activated not by heating it and not by ultraviolet rays (as in the ZOOM system), but by using cold halogen light, which does not cause tooth overheating.
3. Painless - increased tooth sensitivity and pain after the Beyond bleaching procedure are either completely absent or minimal and last no more than 2-3 days (when using the ZOOM system - for 5-7 days).
4. Economically - unlike bleaching system "ZOOM" today the system Beyond is the most efficient and affordable.
5. Effectively - the whitening effect is already visible during the procedure and immediately after it. Finally, the result stabilizes over the next 2 weeks.

How is the teeth whitening procedure performed by the Beyond system:

After examining, diagnosing and evaluating the possibility of whitening, preparation for using the Beyond system begins, which lasts no more than 30 minutes - after cleaning the surface of the teeth, a protective gel is applied to the gum.
Then, a whitening gel is applied to the surface of the teeth and activated with a special Beyond cold halogen light apparatus for about 10 minutes. Finally, the used gel is removed from the surface of the teeth and a new portion is applied, which is also activated by the lamp for 10 minutes. Then the gel is changed again and the lamp is switched on for the third time for 10 minutes.
After the bleaching procedure and the removal of the protective gel from the gums, the teeth are finished.

The duration of preservation of the teeth whitening effect depends on the regularity and proper oral hygiene, diet and diet (drinking coffee and strong tea, wine, other coloring products), as well as on the presence of bad habits (smoking, chewing betel nut, etc.), the use of certain drugs that can cause a discoloration of the teeth (taking iron preparations, some antibiotics, etc.).
It should be borne in mind that the bleaching result is stored for a period of 6 to 12 months and in the future, regular bleaching sessions are required to maintain the effect obtained.


Type of Operation Approximate price
Dentist consultation 15 руб.
Professional Teeth Whitening Beyond 280 руб.

Prices are indicative and do not constitute an obligation for the provision of services. The full cost of services is determined based on the results of the examination and is agreed with the patient at the time of the provision of services. The calculation was made in Belarusian rubles according to the price list valid at the time of calculation.
The service life and warranty period for the results of dental work has an individual character, depends on the patient's general health, the type of treatment, the design of dentures, physiological changes in the dental-jaw system, including age-related changes, on adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician a specialist doctor, compliance with oral hygiene and the rules for using dentures.

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