Sinus Lifting

The development of technology today allows dentists to restore their teeth at full loss, although only recently an insufficient amount of jaw bone was a contraindication to dental implantation. The development of implantology and the development of operations on bone modeling, the so-called bone plasty, helped to solve this problem. Now, for the installation of dental implants on the upper jaw with a deficiency of osseous tissues, a new operation called sine-lifting is applied.

Like any surgery, operations for modeling bone tissue have indications and contraindications, which only a dentist can evaluate.

Our clinic successfully conducts operations for moderating the cava tissue and invites you, if necessary, to consult with our dental surgeons.


Type of Operation Approximate price
Dentist consultation 15 руб.
Installation of 1 dental implant 850 руб.
Sinus lift 1350 руб.
Dental prosthetics: for 1 unit (metal-ceramic crown) on dental implants 750 руб.
Dental prosthetics: for 1 unit of zirconium dioxide per dental implant 850 руб.

Prices are indicative and do not constitute an obligation for the provision of services. The full cost of services is determined based on the results of the examination and is agreed with the patient at the time of the provision of services. The calculation was made in Belarusian rubles according to the price list valid at the time of calculation.
The service life and warranty period for the results of dental work has an individual character, depends on the patient's general health, the type of treatment, the design of dentures, physiological changes in the dental-jaw system, including age-related changes, on adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician a specialist doctor, compliance with oral hygiene and the rules for using dentures.

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