March 20 - World Oral Health Day 2020

WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY 2021Every year, on March 20, at the initiative of the International Federation of Dentists around the world, World Dental Health Day (WOHD) is held, which was approved by the World Dental Federation (FDI) in 2013.

The Dental Service of the Republic of Belarus joined World Oral Health Day in 2016. The importance of oral health for people of all ages is confirmed by the World Health Organization's data on the high prevalence of dental diseases in the world. Up to 98% of people on the planet suffer from inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues, and the incidence of caries is almost 100%.

Diseases of the oral cavity are a serious public health problem. At the same time, primary prevention of dental diseases can significantly improve dental health. International experience on the example of many countries shows that the systematic implementation of primary prevention of major dental diseases significantly improves the dental health of the population, and this factor, in turn, affects the overall health and quality of life of people, and reduces the cost of treatment.


WORLD ORAL HEALTH DAY 2021The Republic of Belarus pays great attention to the prevention of dental diseases. In order to improve the dental health of the population, by order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated November 23, 2017 No. 1338, the Program for the Prevention of Major Dental Diseases among all categories of the population of the Republic of Belarus for the period from 2017 to 2020 was approved. The prevention program envisages coverage of the entire population of the Republic of Belarus with preventive measures, the goals and expected results of their implementation are outlined.

The main efforts are aimed at fulfilling the basic practical principles for the prevention of dental caries: oral hygiene, proper nutrition and the use of fluorides.

The Dental Service of the Republic annually organizes awareness-raising campaigns and free consultations in dental health organizations on the prevention of dental diseases as part of World Dental Health Day.

The practical goal of World Dental Health Day events is to inform the population about the impact of oral health on the overall health of the human body and measures for the primary prevention of dental diseases, motivation and training in observing the rules of cavity hygiene, choosing hygiene products, good nutrition and the need for regular visits to the dentist. Dental specialists during consultations will provide everyone with information on oral hygiene issues, conduct an individual selection of oral hygiene items and means in accordance with age.

Particular attention will be paid to motivation for health-saving behavior and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills aimed at early prevention of cancer. Specialists will teach parents preventive measures aimed at preventing diseases of the teeth and oral cavity in children. Organized children's groups will host training events for children and teachers to develop the necessary hygiene skills and habits. Oral and dental health is important for people of all ages.

It is well known that disease is easier to prevent than to cure. To keep your teeth healthy and beautiful for years to come, the following rules must be observed:

  •     provide rational hygienic care for the oral cavity;
  •     apply fluoride toothpastes;
  •     use correctly selected toothbrushes, dental flosses, rinses;
  •     Be committed to a healthy diet
  •     to refuse from bad habits;
  •     visit the dentist twice a year.



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